04 Mar

I am proud to introduce the Elka Watch Co. packaging. For years, I aimed to create a packaging that would not take up space, that would be ecological and reusable. It was always difficult to convince, because it was not desired, since the container should magnify the content. This seems to apply to a perfume bottle, for example, because it is the container that speaks to us and expresses what the invisible product should represent. In the case of the watch, what is important is the product we are going to acquire and not the packaging that we only see after the purchase. Today with Elka Watch this is possible and has been achieved ! An outer packaging for the protection of the watch during its shipment in recycled cardboard, recyclable and discreet. A second packaging in brown cardboard with a ribbon in which the watch is protected in its microfiber case. The later will be useful when you travel to protect a piece of jewellery or your watch. Your cardboard guarantee card is in a small card holder, also made of microfibre, which will be useful to hide your credit card or hotel key. No more need to take your bulky wallet with you ! 

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